Friday, January 30, 2009

New Year, New You

Well this week I have been a bit of slack. I have had to travel for work interstate and have missed a couple of sessions. What I have realised with missing a training session is that if you do do it continuously, its hard to get back on the bike.

I still have the same determination I had at the beginning of the year, but I know if I miss any more than it will be harder to get back into it.

This morning I was in Southbank having breakfast and the Premier of Queensland Anna Bligh jogged past and then came back to have her breakfast at the same place where I was having mine.

Here you have one of the busiest woman in the country I would imagine. She runs Queensland, have hundreds of public events that she needs to attend each year and still she finds time to have a jog and keep fit.

I have to say, she is probably the best looking Politician I have ever seen. No makeup, in her running attire and a tad sweaty - and yet, she looked fabulous and healthy.

Now our illustrious Premier is a bit older than I am. I am not sure what her age is but I am 35 years older and I think she is probably in her 40's or perhaps early 50's (probably not the ladder - but you never know with women these days that are turning back the clock).

In any case, she is an inspiration for all those women (and men for that matter) who say they can't find time to go to the gym or look after their bodies.

I have used every excuse in the book this week - travel (it's hard to travel and keep fit at the same time), my suitcase is too small (to fit gym gear in my carry on) and I have meetings and events that I must attend every day and night.

Reality - if I was Premier Bligh, these things really don't matter.

At the same time as seeing Premier Bligh sit across from me, I read the Courier Mail and there was a snippet about how she had been in Cairns this week and took her running shoes and ran 9 km's one morning.

If she can do, so can I.

So, here I am at body4u ready to get back into it. My session with Ang was full-on, hard work and my muscles have somewhat forgotten what it is like to do a training session.

I finish, exhausted but feeling great for having done it.

Then all of a sudden there is a bit of commotion at the gym. They had a competition where two people who want to lose some weight won the opportunity to work with Angela for 8 weeks and lose some serious weight.

How awesome! It's like the Biggest Loser Television Show.

But better. These people can have a life too!

I will take a photo on my blackberry to show you the before... and hopefully a slimmer after.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm Addicted

Not only am I addicted to writing this blog, I am also equally addicted to body4u fitness centre. I love it. Fortunately I have luxury of going in the middle of the day. It's quite and allows me to get down to business - that is the business of being fit and healthy.

I have been to the gym a couple times since I last wrote in my blog and I feel great. Actually, better than great - fantastic.

Everytime I walk into the gym, everyone knows your name, they greet you, make sure you are alright (sometimes I need this reassurance), and help you get started on reaching your fitness goals.

I did get a little wrap over the knuckles for my dietary habits - a packet of tim tams a day, four bottles of Nutrient Water (the best!) and a myriad of bad foods with fat and sugar.

To be honest, I have cut back. I am better than I used to be and when they remind me how bad these things are for my body, it does make me think twice.

On Friday I was ready for my gym session. Very eager. Roaring to go.

I was Angela's last session of the day as she had an early mark. The gym is doing a promotion to help two people get fit and healthy called New Year New You and she is spending the day working on that program. The people they have selected have lived unhealthy lives and Angela is going to show them how to not only lose weight, but make a difference to their lives. I was always a fan of the show 'Biggest Loser' so I am imagining it is this style but a little less hard core.

Anyway, back to my favourite topic - me. The first bit of the session was good. I felt confident. But... there's always a but. She made me do push-ups and they just don't agree with me. I am useless at them. I did do more than the last time she made me do them, but gosh they are hard work. It reminds me how weak my arms are and how much more work they need.

Angela commented that my legs were looking fitter (yeah!!!).

After 30 minutes of working out, sweat dripping off me because lets face it - its the middle of summer in Queensland, I was ready to shower and head home.

I felt so good when I got home I decided to go for a walk with my dog. My energy levels have improved ten-fold. I feel like I am fitting so much more into my day than ever before.

Saturday: I go back to the gym and do a work-out by myself. I much prefer doing one with Angela as I feel like I am achieving more and it makes me do things that I sometimes don't like doing. It also helps as my technique is sometimes a little off.

I am a bit slack but at least I am here and I do have a golf lesson next.

At golf, my coach comments on my new found muscles on my arms that are starting to develop. They aren't exactly popping out, but there is a little hint from all the hard work I have been doing.

Today, I eat well. Yesterday was a reminder that I don't always eat as good as I should.

I also go down to the beach for a swim. It's such a great way to finish off the day.

This fitness things is changing the way I look at everything and I am feeling better, fitter and more mentally stronger every day.

Can't wait to see where this goes.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Feeling on top of the world

It's amazing what a little work out can do for you. I really do feel like I am on top of the world. My body is feeling more toned, my fitness is improving and I can fit into those shorts I bought 2 years ago, but never have worn because they made my thighs look so big.

Ang at the gym is ruthless but she is determined for me to love fitness and being healthy as much as she does. She is a hard act to follow. She runs her own business, has 2 kids and competes in various fitness related competitions (not the body building style that makes me just want to gag). I think she does triathlons and things like that.

She motivates me to do a bit more and although it can be hard to get my mindset in the right place on any given day, she certainly helps me along and pushes me when needed.

It's only 30 minutes - so let's face it - I shouldn't be a big sook. I can't believe that after years of occasionally having personal trainers who demand an hour each time, that I am able to achieve so much in just 30 minutes.

I have been more motivated to do the other things she has recommended that I do in between training times like weight sessions (hell, I like the view) or walks. I have even been motivated to do step ups on my stairs. What has come over me?

I never thought I would say this but I am now looking at my body each day trying to catch a glimpse of any changes. I am sure I imagine some but when I try on clothes, they fit alot better and my confidence has improved dramatically.

My muscles still ache - which is a good thing. To me it means its working (not sure that is right technically).

My drive into Cleveland is peaceful and I no longer think about the embarrassment of going to the gym and being unco-ordinated. Thankfully having a personal trainer fixing every wrong posture is a blessing.

Now off to body4u to get my next fix!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The week after my first fitness session at body4u

What they do for you at body4u is give you a training schedule and some tips on what to eat.

We all have goals for our bodies - realistic or unrealistic - but to achieve them ultimately it is good to have a plan.

Even though body4u won me over when they said that after reviewing body fat, muscle etc, I had a body of someone 10 years younger (exactly what I like to hear), I knew that there were still alot of places to improve and let's face it, I am extremely unfit.

I puff walking up stairs and much prefer to drive to the shops only a block away then walk.

My thighs are of the 'thunder-ish' variety and may be likened to jelly on a good day.

Anyway, back to the training schedule. With my new found determination and pictures all over my bathroom mirror of women that I aspire to look like, I stick to it.

My muscles are sore for the first two days after my initial training session to the point that I a walking like I have a stick up my bottom. Squats, walks, runs, light weights ... is all part of it.

For the first week I feel sore.

I try to eat the right food, but sneak in a packet of Tim Tams (surely no-one will notice) and maybe half a dozen glasses of vino.

After day 8 I hop on the scales and to my amazement I have lost 3 kilos.

On my frame, that is alot. You can notice the difference. Friends start commenting on the fact that I have lost weight.

I feel elated that my hard work and packet of Tim Tams have paid off.

I go back to Angela and she talks me through the changes my body will be making over the next few weeks and months.

I feel comfortable I am on the right track and enjoy the fact that I am back for training session 3. I actually snuck another in a couple of days ago. Feeling sore must mean that it is working, so it is well worth it. Besides that, the view from body4u (outside and in) is amazing. On a beautiful day when their is not a cloud in the sky, its great to work out overlooking the water.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Getting Started With Fitness

I don't know about you, but I have been working 50 to 60 hour weeks for the last 5 years, and by the time I get home each night, I am too tired to do anything let alone go to a gym.

On occasion, usually this time of year, I join a gym. It usually is expensive, I go a couple of times and never go back again.

Late last year, I turned 35 and I know like every woman my age that has let themselves go, I need to do something before its too late.

I have a professional job running my own consultancy firm and I find it hard to commit to anything and for that matter anyone.

When I go somewhere like a gym, I feel embarrassed and quite alone. Its the sort of thing I wished someone would come with me and hold my hand and show me the ropes.

But... the reality is, I can't commit to a particular time and am highly unreliable due to my travel commitments. On top of that, none of my friends that are unfit really want to go. Sure they say they do, but making that first step is always the hardest thing to do.

Someone mentioned to me a personalised gym in Cleveland (close to Redland Bay area in Brisbane) and although it is 20 minutes away from where I live, I decided to give it a go.

I rang them up and a young girl answered the phone. I asked what was the price (always important), what facilities they had and whether there was someone that I can talk to about what I am trying to achieve (a supermodel body with little effort - not too much to ask really!).

She organised an appointment with Angela, the owner, which impressed me. I always like to know who owns what in case I have a problem.

The day I arrived at my first meeting, I was all geared up to get started and was greeted by a group of friendly faces. The gym wasn't too packed and had all people around my age and older in it which made me feel more secure.

I was nervous... although I am not particularly sure why.

Angela came out with a beeming smile (did she know something I didn't) and offered me a drink and took me into a meeting room.

She asked me a series of questions about my health and what I was trying to achieve and was very positive.

Then she put me on the scales, got a tape measure out and started analysing the mechanics of my body.

After telling me that I was in fact not in too bad shape (I could be worse) and that we could achieve what I am looking for with some consistent training, I felt relieved.

Then we talked about food and lifestyle - all normal stuff I suppose, but I found it strangely interesting. I think it is the friendly way in which she communicates these things and how easy it was to understand.

We then went out into the gym and did a session.

What body4u offer is a personalised gym instruction. As part of your membership you get a free training session (one-on-one) each week. At any normal gym, with this included it would be double if not triple the price, but they keep it low because their aim is for people to reach their personal goals.

They are also a reasonably new gym with the latest in equipment, so they are still getting their brand name out there.

After the workout, which was hard, but rewarding, I went into the restrooms. Wow! That's all I can say. They have everything you could ever want in a restroom and the showers actually have room to move and put your stuff up.

I once went to Fitness First in North Sydney and the showers had no place to even put your towel, and let me assure you, I wasn't going out into the general area in the nude. The showers had a door, no hooks and it was so small I felt claustrophobic. The whole gym was extremely tired and there was a few posers (and moaners for that matter).

There is nothing like that at body4u. It really is a personalised, modern gym that is so clean you could eat a meal from the floor (not that I care to try this!).